Back from a Break and Big News

Hello Readers!

Sorry for the silence you have been getting from the blog but things have been a liiittle crazy around these parts. If you didn't know, on top of running Cooper Jane Design I also have a full time job as a financial associate at a government consulting firm. As my little business has taken off, I have been increasingly overwhelmed by the workload that I am carrying. I wake up in the morning, get in the car for an hour, work all day, and then come home and work all night. My nighttime duties rarely feel like work though because I completely enjoy myself when I am creating something new. Even so, I have been neglecting other important areas in my life (husband, friends, family, housework) in order to pursue my passion. I have taken a step back to evaluate what is really important and the hubster and I decided that I should take a leap of faith and spend more of my time on my business. 

Big development on that front today! I finally told my boss that I would like to work part time next year. I was terrified of telling her this for some reason, but the people I have worked with have been so receptive and nice about it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am completely excited! Will let you know what happens!


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